Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing discomfort and pain in the heel and sole of the foot. If you or someone you know is dealing with the challenges of Plantar Fasciitis, this guide will provide valuable insights into the condition, its symptoms, available treatment options, and how Sunrise Podiatry can assist in finding relief and improving your quality of life.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is a condition that primarily involves the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that spans from the heel bone to the base of the toes. This tissue plays a crucial role in maintaining the arch of the foot and acts as a shock absorber during walking and running. When the plantar fascia becomes inflamed, it can lead to the development of Plantar Fasciitis.


Plantar Fasciitis is characterized by several common symptoms, including:

  • Heel Pain: The hallmark symptom of Plantar Fasciitis is a sharp, stabbing pain in the heel. This pain is often most severe with the first steps in the morning or after periods of rest.
  • Arch Pain: Discomfort and aching sensations can radiate along the arch of the foot, extending towards the toes.
  • Pain During Activity: Physical activities, such as walking, running, or standing for extended periods, can exacerbate the pain.
  • Stiffness: Many individuals experience stiffness and reduced flexibility in the affected foot.
  • Tenderness: The area around the heel and arch may be sensitive to touch.
  • Swelling: In some cases, mild swelling may be observed around the affected area.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Understanding the underlying causes of Plantar Fasciitis is essential for both prevention and effective treatment. Some common contributing factors include:

  • Foot Structure: Abnormal foot arches, such as flat feet or high arches, can increase the risk of Plantar Fasciitis.
  • Overuse or Activity: Engaging in activities that put excessive strain on the feet, such as running, dancing, or jobs that involve prolonged standing, can lead to this condition.
  • Improper Footwear: Wearing shoes with inadequate arch support, cushioning, or shock absorption can contribute to the development of Plantar Fasciitis.
  • Age: Plantar Fasciitis is more prevalent in adults between the ages of 40 and 60.
  • Obesity: Carrying excess body weight places additional stress on the plantar fascia, increasing the likelihood of inflammation.

Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis

Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with Plantar Fasciitis. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and individual factors. Some common treatment approaches include:

  1. Rest and Activity Modification: Giving your feet a break from strenuous activities and avoiding activities that worsen the pain can be the first step in recovery.
  1. Orthotic Inserts: Custom-made or over-the-counter orthotic shoe inserts can provide additional arch support and help distribute pressure evenly across the foot.
  1. Stretching Exercises: Specific stretching exercises can help improve flexibility and reduce tension in the plantar fascia and calf muscles.
  1. Physical Therapy: Physical therapists can design exercise programs tailored to your needs and provide manual therapy techniques to relieve pain and promote healing.
  1. Footwear Modification: Wearing shoes with proper arch support and cushioning can significantly reduce symptoms.
  1. Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.
  1. Corticosteroid Injections: In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be administered to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  1. Night Splints: These devices help keep the plantar fascia stretched during sleep, preventing morning pain.
  1. Shockwave Therapy: Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) uses sound waves to stimulate healing and reduce pain.
  1. Surgery: Surgical intervention is typically considered a last resort and reserved for cases that do not respond to conservative treatments. Surgical procedures involve releasing or removing part of the plantar fascia.

How Sunrise Podiatry Can Help

At Sunrise Podiatry, we understand the significant impact Plantar Fasciitis can have on your daily life. Our experienced team of podiatrists is dedicated to providing personalized, effective, and compassionate care to help you find relief from Plantar Fasciitis.

Our comprehensive approach includes:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Our podiatrists will conduct a thorough evaluation to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of your condition.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Based on your specific needs and lifestyle, we will develop a tailored treatment plan that may include a combination of the treatment options mentioned above.
  • Orthotic Services: We offer expert advice on footwear and custom orthotic inserts to provide long-term relief and support.
  • Physical Therapy: If needed, our team can collaborate with physical therapists to ensure you receive the most comprehensive care.
  • Surgical Consultation: In cases where conservative treatments have been exhausted, we provide expert surgical consultations to discuss the potential benefits and risks of surgical intervention.
  • Ongoing Support: We are committed to your recovery journey and will provide ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Don’t let Plantar Fasciitis hold you back from enjoying an active and pain-free life. Contact Sunrise Podiatry today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards finding relief from Plantar Fasciitis. Our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way.